The beginning of the second millennium saw the rebirth of the city of Garganesh, an infamous military and occult power. Located on the estuary of Fleuve Noir, the Black River, it grew in stature through the conquests of its ruthless Legions and the grace of Tenamuahc, patron entity of the civic cult of Auquesse. Then, five years ago, Terres d’Auquesse became a true nation through the union of the metropolis Garganesh and the provincia Bryas and Tolimarth. According to some archivists, Terres d’Auquesse is the cradle of humanity and the mortal races. A wild, untamed moor covered with forests of Dantoës, conifers riddled with poisonous needles, teeming with tribes of nomads, lycanthropes, Hundars, goblinoids, ice elves, and ogres, most of which worship primal and bloodthirsty entities.
It is in this teeming crucible that the Mensis Martius, the Great Khan Morcius, on the occasion of the nation’s five-year anniversary, declared the celebration of a secular festival to which all – yes all – were invited.
Nobles and commoners of the Terres du Centre will finally get to sample the wild and unique delights of an Auquesse festus publicus, renowned for skillfully combining ritual commemorations and Bachannales.
Tunics and draped togas will be ubiquitous during this unbridled symposium. On the dance floor, guests will be able to compare their agility to that of the imps themselves! At the Marché du Port Noir, the Black Port Market, where even ogres and harpies don the merchant’s toga, you’ll find something to satisfy even the most exotic appetite, for a price sometimes exceeding that of gold. And, as you stroll through the Forum, why not compare your own verses of satyrical poetry with a real satyr? On the parched floor of the public arena, ferocious gladiators will clash before your eyes.
With the Great Evil barely drawing its last breath, the spectre of war once again haunts the lands. Diplomatic delegations from all nations will be able to meet with the Archons and Khans, keeping in mind that for the peoples of Auquesse, armed conflict is a source of joy and life.
“Quando rex comitiavit, fas. Blood for the Tenamuahc; wine for the others!”