various events
Bicolline is a social game, and several events where players can bring their characters to life are organized throughout the year. The most important event is undoubtedly the Grande Bataille de Bicolline, an event that brings together over 4,000 participants who gather for a week and take part in a multitude of quests, tournaments, battles and shows. The Campagnes (campaigns) focus on the military aspects of Bicolline and are mainly battles and combat activities, while the Soirées Tavernes (tavern nights) are role-playing events of negotiations and trading in our tavern. Bicolline also organizes special events, usually in the form of adventures and quests lasting from 24 to 36 hours.
character creation
It’s simple: the mission of the Duché de Bicolline is to allow you to be the living embodiment of your imagination and to live it fully in a unique place that transcends reality. So just be who you want and play!
Unlike most immersion games, the creation of characters at Bicolline is not governed by strict rules. No characteristic, no power, no skill must be chosen. The players can let their imagination go and develop characters who will find their place in Bicolline’s universe.
the world of bicolline
Bicolline is an extremely rich and complex universe that was defined by the founders, creators of the game, and that has evolved over the years with the help of its players. This universe has its own geography, kingdoms, races, titles of nobility, beliefs, etc. It is populated by peasants, knights, wizards, charlatans. Kingdoms are ruled by kings, councils or even guilds. The universe has its own economy, armies, ships, etc.
Ten major spheres, or fields of interest, structure the game of Bicolline. The existing spheres are:
- Arts
- Clandestinity
- Commerce
- Exploration
- Faith
- Magic
- Maritime
- Military
- Occult
- Politics
its economy
The economy is one of the facets of our game that is very developed. The currency called Solar is used for most transactions, although bartering is also very common! A multitude of cards represent the different goods that the players may have in their possession (military units, resources, precious ore, etc.). It isn’t necessary to have these items to participate, but if you want to play a merchant, you will eventually want to have goods to sell, while if you play a warlord, military units could be useful!
The universe of Bicolline is divided into kingdoms, cities, provinces, duchies, fiefs, domains, etc. Kingdoms are organized into regional councils on which sits a lord and his closest advisors, such as chancellors, marshals and treasurers. Kingdoms may be controlled by an autocratic despot or by an egalitarian council. Provincial lords appoint themselves officials, chancellors, etc. When a domain is acquired, the new owner becomes a domain chief or a baron or lord, depending on the laws of the region in which the land is located.
A real world with virtual ramifications
Bicolline is a universe with a real field game that influences a virtual universe, with rich and complex geopolitics. The virtual aspects (domiciliation cards, mercenary cards, resource cards, guild seals, solars, etc.) and the real aspects (interactions between players, negotiations, battles, quests, adventures, etc.), are two facets that feed each other and that make the richness of our game.
In-game / Out-of-game
Even though Bicolline is a game based on interactions between participants, it is important to know that not everything is a part of the game and that there are limits to respect. For example, the Duché de Bicolline has over 200 buildings, but most of them belong to individuals or groups, so it is important to respect these private buildings and not to enter them unless you are invited.
The same goes for all the material on site, what you bring belongs to you and is not a part of Bicolline’s game. You can’t steal something that belongs to someone else, even if you are in character or ‘in-game’.
It is also important to know that at Bicolline each player participates according to what is comfortable for them. For some, their character will be played with great enthusiasm and involvement while others will have a more passive role and will prefer to observe rather than actively participate. It is therefore up to each participant to choose their level of involvement in the game.
Each participant of the Grande Bataille receives a Population Card. Participants with a membership also gets one of these cards at each event they participate in. This card allows you to interact with the virtual game of Bicolline or can be exchanged for physical elements of the game (potions, scrolls, etc.). It is the basis of the whole geopolitical game of Bicolline. These cards establish the population of a region, thus its importance.
You can of course do what you want with your Population Card, but know that in a way, it represents you and whoever you give it to, whether it is for a glass of wine, some Solars or even a place to sleep, will use it to increase their influence in the world of Bicolline!
No. Incidentally, references to France, England, Bretons, German mercenaries, Swiss Lansquenets and Spanish Conquistadors should be avoided. However, it is perfectly acceptable to refer to the mercenaries of the Empire, the Andorian Lansquenets, or the Conquistadors of Vigo (the Empire, Andore and Vigo being three of the many regions of Bicolline’s world). Bicolline’s community accepts a broad range of inspirations, ranging from Antiquity to early Renaissance.
Bicolline’s is a collaborative game based on guilds. A guild is a group of players who, using their population cards, have created an identity for themselves in the geopolitical world, allowing them to interact, whether militarily, commercially, or through occult forces or as criminals. Guilds bring together participants who share the same visions and interests. Guilds create their own visual identity that distinguishes them and allows them to be identified on Bicolline’s site. Their reputation will be built over the years and through their actions.
Bicolline has its own calendar. This year, we are in 1023. In 2024, we will be in 1024. And in 2035 we will be in… 1035!